Consultancy Services

Spectrum CS can provide the following services, please click on one of the headings below for more information.

Please call Mark Cooper on 07887 920979 if you are unsure whether we can accommodate your requirements.

Internet Marketing

'At the company board meeting it was decided a website was needed. A supplier was sought and the website was built. It was presented to the board, colour scheme approved, spelling mistakes corrected, and then...'

The orders come flooding in? Your website is often the first impression a potential client gets of your organization. What counts? What counts more is whether anyone actually looks at it... and then whether they actually buy!

Sound familiar? The main objective of the Internet Marketing service is to encourage senior management and sales and marketing staff to take ownership of the website, to understand how it can help generate business and to appreciate aspects of web design other than the creative.

Our service will teach you how search engines work, which keywords to choose and how to improve your chances of getting into the top ten. An unsubstantiated claim? Please read the case study.

Please see also Web Design